วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Like a World Traveler came to live in Thailand

Mike Hurst was a musician. Tall, with long dark hair and blue eyes, looked every inch of Irish folk music on the road was. He had to sell his advertising job in London to stop when it was approaching thirty and traveled the world playing in restaurants, bars, on street corners to pay his way.

During his last trip around Asia, saw lazed on the beautiful beaches of Bali and Phuket, a rare Balinese funeral, remained in a longhouse on the crystalThe water of Lake Toba, and played the violin for a group of children from a market in Panang, Sumatra. He was huddled in bus close while singing off-key Sinatra drunk, sleeping on the dirt floor of a train between Jakarta and Surabaya, and survived a poisoning of the blood from a finger bitten by mosquito.

Mike always pack light and only a small backpack with a few changes of clothes, a guitar and its one hundred years old battered violin. While in Bali was a local artisan, the sculpturePonte d'Ivoire, and had planned a nice keyboard in ebony and keeps the violin itself. His violin was the only possession he really appreciated.

One day, it was during the Marcos era, flew to the Philippines en route to Japan, after a yearlong journey through Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. Mike spent a few days in Manila, but the noise, pollution and frenetic pace soon if it were in motion. He headed north on a bus in rabbit and landed in Baguio. Five metersin the mountains, Baguio is a picturesque town of steep hills, a large open market, through mysterious wooded hills of pine and look around.

He had the good fortune to meet a local Filipino named Nino, who heard him sing in a cafe the day after his arrival. Nino asked him to sing at his pub in the city, gave him a small salary, but adequate, and an old farmhouse in the mountains to stay inside

Mike has the old house. Every morning he wouldWake up and breathe the pine-scented air and the view across the valley from the window of his bedroom. The view was spectacular. Smoke rose from the chimneys of the few houses further downstream, the valley looked like a scene from a Chinese painting brush.

Sure, there was no hot water. Had to swim in the icy water from the rainwater tank pulled behind the house. That was exciting. And the furniture has been minimal, but not suitable, why not believe in repression, that hisLiving with excess baggage anyway. He had to make a bed to sleep, a roof over their heads, a job he loved too much. He was happy.

But life has a funny way of turning the tables on you.

A few months after his arrival in Baguio, walked a few hundred yards down the hill after Asin, a nice hot sulfur Spring Resort. E 'was from another friend who had met in Baguio, so they spent a wonderful day together Downing beers and relaxing in hot water.

In the afternoon, whenHe returned to his home and was surprised to see that it was empty. All we had was gone, and his musical instruments. All he has done what was on the fortune, which had a passport, ticket and then to Tokyo, and a small amount of money, but that was it. Mike was stunned. She immediately called police and made a report. They promised to try and find the culprits and then on the way they laugh together.

Mike noticed that do not do much. Aftereverything was a stranger, and had lost money, clothes and his musical instruments. Unremarkable. But he wanted his violin, if possible. So he began to inquire among his friends and soon heard that there was the brother of Nino, Nono, head of the robbery. He was jealous of Mike and wanted to live in the house itself. But instead of politely asking to go to Mike, who had decided to fill completely clear, to keep possession all the MikeBusiness.

Mike realized that there is no way to prove his suspicions, he bowed to the inevitable and went with some friends in the Peace Corps and sent to Ireland for more money.

Meanwhile, a Filipino friend has promised to give him money when he left, so he could afford to eat and pay rent. Mike managed a cheap guitar that sounds good, because the rear part of the local producers were almost paper thin, shaved to pay. With this he went to play in localBars and restaurants to support himself. Despite the occasional work has received, he still had some money borrowed from his friend to buy basic necessities. It 'been a difficult and humiliating.

Two months passed and no money had arrived, went to Manila to ask his bank to know where he was. They reported that the money was actually sent .... in Kuala Lumpur. Obviously the thought of the Irish banks was in the Philippines! A forgivable mistake, thought Mike. Finally, both areAsia. The bank has promised to have transferred the money to his account in Manila, Baguio and wait for Mike back on them.

Finally, a month later came the money. The first thing he did, the friend who had lent money to survive has been repaid. Then it's time to move on.

Even if a plane ticket to Japan, decided to return to England, where he could work and have enough money to continue his travels again in the future. So he put the word out abouthis friends who is a single ticket to sell in Japan. A few nights later, Mike called a Rhodesian Hunt appeared in the cafeteria, where he sang and told Mike he wanted to buy a ticket. When she spoke, acknowledged that Mike Hunt and James Bond, secret agent obsessed with the movie was. Hunt said that he modeled his life on the bond. He tried to speak, act and live like him. It 'was a strange way to live your life, Mike thought, but I felt like I do Hunthappy.

Mike Hunt was thrilled that he wanted to buy the plane ticket, and made plans to Manila for the next Friday night, when to close the deal. Hunt said he would treat Mike to a free weekend in a luxury 5-star Manila by Marcos family. "Do not worry," said Mike: "I pay for everything. And also pay the ticket, then."

That seemed a lot Mike. He turned Hunt met on Friday afternoon, and she wore a large controlled HuntSearch heavy suitcase, while Mike was wearing only his little backpack. Before going to the hotel, on the advice of Hunt had hidden in his guitar and the rest of his property to a friend, where he could collect on the way to the airport on Sunday before leaving for Bangkok on the way home. Hunt said there was no need to carry all his belongings with him at his hotel, because it would need. Mike then understood why Hunt had advised him to do so.

That evening he went toDisco in the basement and had a great time. Hunt signed for all drinks. The next day, lounged by the pool all day after a hearty breakfast. Every time I ordered a drink or food, Hunt signed the bill. Mike knows it's expensive rack, but to be his new friend, do not seem concerned. That reassured that Mike Hunt could afford to pay the ticket. Was, himeslf are admitted, a little 'confused as to why Hunt wants to buy the ticket, if he could, he wouldobviously afford to buy one from a travel agent, but he shrugged his shoulders and was satisfied with his fortune. Mike was not one to look gift horse in the mouth.

During the night took to the disco and dancing until late. The hunt continues to sign for drinks, including a group of girls who crowded around the pair of big spending. They had a night of fun and rocked up to their room when the disco closed at 2 clock made a date for breakfast at nine clock to make suchMorning, so you can capture check-out at the Hotel Hunt for his 11.30 flight to Tokyo.

The next morning Mike was awakened by a knock at the door by 8 clock staggered out of bed and opened to see Hunt dressed and standing around willing to take.

"What are you doing so early?" Mike indistinct.

"I thought we should clarify our business in order to have free time to get to the airport." Hunt said.

Mike just shrugged and said she was in her bedroom Huntfive minutes. His mouth was dry and sore head. Was unable to ask why Hunt takes so long to resolve the ticket company, but has a good sound. He went into his bathroom for a quick wash and then next to the hall Hunt hopes to clarify the sale in minutes. When she left, she saw Hunt was there, with a big portfolio under his arm. Mike sat in one of the chairs and then got to the point. "You do not have the money for theTicket? "

"No!" Hunt said. "This is what I wanted to talk with you."

"What do you mean?" They said that I would have paid for the ticket today and now you tell me you do not have the money. Not expect me to just give it to you? "Mike asked, annoyed.

"Well, actually you, I would trust in me, after I get to work in Tokyo and have enough money to repay you." "Hunt said.

"Sure. So, if you do not have enough money for the ticket, as you are payinghotel? "Mike asked.

"Uh, that's another story. I'm not paying for it. My suitcase was just for show. It 'full of newspapers and some stones. We just have to get out of here this morning."

"What?" Mike exploded. "You want me, you cheat for the price of the ticket and you trust the hotel to come?" This is not a good basis for establishing trust is?

"Wait. Listen, and I'll explain." Hunt said the opening of its large file. "I'm readyfor this trip. I can see. I have all the ways in which I live cheaply in Japan, when I get listed. I have lists of cheap guest houses in place. I have done extensive research everything and I also learned the basics of Japanese language in the last 3 months, and I was ready. Can a good job as an English teacher standing up there and put in a few months. "Said Hunt.

Mike has shown the contents of its files and went through it. All that said Huntwould need to make sure he could survive in Tokyo has been carefully written in a master plan. Mike was not impressed.

"Look, she's just an accessory to fraud, without knowing it, for the hotel. There is no way I'm going to write a ticket without being paid."

In this, Hunt broke into tears and asked, but Mike was certain. No money, no tickets.

Hunt does not see the tears, but he continued to document a little 'more, and Mike began to feel sorry for him. SoFinally, Hunt pointed to expensive Nikon camera and said, 'Give me your camera as a security and I will give you a ticket. You can use the camera if you pay to recover the money. "

First I tried to say no, Mr. Hunt, his statement that would have the camera in Japan, but eventually saw that Mike does not start with the ticket unless he handed over the camera.

"Well, it's just another thing you do for me." Hunt went on. "We need to go to the airport with me thisMorning. I have already studied the airport and hotel check-in procedures. If this is a problem that you wrote with your boarding pass with your name on her hand, she did not ask to see your card. So you should check with me to the airport and then change its name to me on the boarding pass. It is even easier than I thought, since our names are so similar. "

Meanwhile, Mike realized that he would go along with Hunt. Not have enough money to coverThe hotel bill. Imelda Marcos could not afford to cut for them, so packed his few belongings in his backpack, put it on his shoulders and both marched up to the lobby and out the door. A hotel security guard saw them in common, probably because Mike seemed nervous, but did not attempt to stop them. Once they were out Mike let out a deep sigh of relief, and headed to the airport.

Mike check for the flight to Tokyo, handed boardingPass, Hunt changed the name and then walked to the starting area. Everything seemed to adjust.

Mike turned around and thought he would never see his money or hunt again. He was wrong.

Mike went into the house of his friend to take the rest of his gang and then headed back to the airport for the flight of 4 hours in Bangkok. When he arrived, he approached the check-in desk and presented his ticket. The writer, who was on duty in the morning wasstill there. You could see with one click.

"But .... but went to Tokyo this morning. What are you doing here?" Asked.

"Oh, I changed my mind and decided to go to Bangkok instead. It 'so boring in Tokyo." Mike responded with aplomb.

The clerk shook her head, fill out your boarding pass and then handed it to him.

"He had a good trip. I hope you make it this time."

"Thanks." Said Mike, headed for the starting area.

Expanded to Thailand andone weeks that will change her life.

This week in Bangkok was a blur. Mike spent almost exclusively on the Mississippi Queen in Patpong. Every night we start with the girls at the bar was a ball, but on Friday he knew it would become even better organized for the flight to London the next day. And cried Ben, has recommended that local businessman Filipino Hunt, who had to call to find money for a ticket to Tokyo. Hunt had explained that he used to work for Ben, and heHunt still owe a Commission, made money on advertising revenues.

Ben agreed to meet Mike, and made an appointment for the 11 clock showed that Mike caught looking, but we hope that it would recover the money for the ticket.

As we sat down and the situation, said Ben exploded in a huge laugh.

"Giving a bit 'of money from the account of Hunt's Mike?" yelled. "What's that?" Though I owe to him, not sure I have no money to give, would be for you. The man was mad with allSpeaking of James Bond, and is obviously still mad. "

Mike was expecting something like that, it was not too disappointed. And still had room Hunt. But irritated Hunt, who had played for a fool.

Ben asked Mike what he did when he was not music.

"I used to sell advertising for publications in London."

"Are you good?" Ben asked.

"Sure, I make a lot of money."

"Why not work for me?" We publish guides.I'm sure we can do very well selling advertising in them. "Said Ben.

Well, Mike has shown the magazines published, and said, after some discussion on wages and conditions of Mike, who would think of as a confirmation of a ticket for the flight to London the next day.

Well said to call later when he decided to stay.

Mike returned to the Malaysia Hotel, where he was and sat on the bed and thought about his situation. Here was the land ofthree Hots: Hot, hot food and hot women. Life can be so good here. He was offered a permanent job, and everything was so cheap that there would be no problem.

When he went to London, would completely start over. Had gone so long, probably had no friends there anymore. He had no job, the weather was cold, the food was bad, and the economy was on the ropes. That was before Thatcher came in the form earth. The decision was not difficult. Picked up the phoneand called Ben.

Mike has also worked in the magazine. Has helped to improve the flow and design of magazines, and increases the monthly advertising revenue significantly. He was happy with the time of his life.

Then, one day Ben called Mike in his office and because Hunt was sitting with a big cock-eating smile on his face. Mike was surprised and pleased. It seemed that at last his money back from Hunt.

As if he had read the mind of Mike, Hunt has played the role of moneyfrom his pocket and promptly paid for the ticket. Mike went out and got the camera and handed Hunt. Hunt thanked him and said: "Bond would have done the same. It 'was the thing for a gentleman to do, you do not know?"

Fortunately for Mike continues, soon after Hunt had to pay him when he came across a German traveler, who also played violin on the streets the year before reached. Klaus, if there had been an accident and lost the use of hands, he could no longer play.After the story of Mike Klaus has given his old violin, and said he was glad it was someone who could make good use of it.

No one was more pleased with Mike this happy ending. He remained in Thailand until now, and sometimes thinks about how strange that he finished in this part of the exotic and exciting world. You never know what life is throwing you, is not it?

So one day, when you walk into a bar somewhere andsee an old man with the game of his life on stage, you can only try to Mike. Buy a beer and asks if he has some interesting stories of his travels.

